General information

About us

IFRI is a non-profit foundation, governed by bylaws and article 80 of the Swiss Civil Code and the relevant articles thereunder, under the name of Foundation – International Financial Risk Institute (IFRI). The foundation's domicile is in Geneva Switzerland.

Our objective is to link risk professionals from global financial risk institutes in the fields of credit, market, treasury, country, compliance, conduct and operational risks.

Members of IFRI are Group Chief Risk Officers of international financial risk institutes from across the global.


The foundation is governed and administered by the Foundation Board. The Foundation Board selects from among its members a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and a Company Secretary. The Chairman role is assumed for two years and rotated among the members. The Foundation Board meets on a monthly basis to discuss current and emerging risks, exchange on trends, organize the Annual Roundtable, etc.

Reflection and research body of the foundation is the Advisory Board. IFRI currently consists of around 20 Advisory Board members.